Showing 101 - 125 of 266 Results
Long-Term Tendencies in Budget Deficits and Debt by Mussa, Michael, Masson, Pau... ISBN: 9781451935394 List Price: $15.00
Market-Based Policy Instruments for Systemic Bank Restructuring by Bayoumi, Tamim, Masson, Pau... ISBN: 9781451944235 List Price: $15.00
Net Foreign Assets and International Adjustment : The United States, Japan, and Germany by Horne, Jocelyn, Masson, Pau... ISBN: 9781451979244 List Price: $15.00
Should African Monetary Unions Be Expanded? an Empirical Investigation of the Scope for Mone... by Debrun, Xavier, Pattillo, C... ISBN: 9781455201402 List Price: $18.00
Credibility of Policies Versus Credibility of Policymakers by Masson, Paul R., Drazen, Allan ISBN: 9781451971811 List Price: $15.00
Globalization Facts and Figures by Masson, Paul R. ISBN: 9781451973563 List Price: $10.00
German Unification - What Have We Learned from Multi-Country Models? by Gagnon, Joseph E., Masson, ... ISBN: 9781451975147 List Price: $15.00
Welfare Effects of Monetary Integration : The Common Monetary Area and Beyond by Asonuma, Tamon, Debrun, Xav... ISBN: 9781475503890 List Price: $18.00
International Economic Policy Review by Masson, Paul R., Lane, Timo... ISBN: 9781557758644 List Price: $20.00
Histoire Du Commerce Franais Dans Le Levant Au Xviie Sicle... (French Edition) by Paul Masson ISBN: 9781271374274 List Price: $45.75
Mmoires secrets sur la Russie, et particulirement sur la fin du rgne de Catherine II, et le ... by Charles François Philibert ... ISBN: 9780543982001 List Price: $29.99
Mmoires secrets sur la Russie, et particulirement sur la fin du rgne de Catherine II, et le ... by Charles François Philibert ... ISBN: 9780543995582 List Price: $26.99
M�moires Secrets Sur la Russie, Sur les R�gnes de Catherine II , de Paul 1er et Sur les Moeu... by Masson, Charles Francois Ph... ISBN: 9781278819099 List Price: $37.75
Geheime Nachrichten Uber Ruland Unter der Regierung Catharinens II und Pauls I : Ein Gemalde... by Charles Francois Philibert ... ISBN: 9781286111352 List Price: $39.75
Geheime Nachrichten Uber Ruland Unter der Regierung Catharinens II und Pauls I : Ein Gemalde... by Charles Francois Philibert ... ISBN: 9781286140918 List Price: $31.75
Currencies, Crises, Fiscal Policy, and Coordination by Masson, Paul R. ISBN: 9789814350167 List Price: $140.00
Role of the IMF : Financing and Its Interactions with Adjustment and Surveillance by Masson, Paul R., Mussa, Mic... ISBN: 9781557755858
Role of the IMF : Financing and Its Interactions with Adjustment and Surveillance by Masson, Paul R., Mussa, Mic... ISBN: 9781557755841
Geheime Nachrichten Uber Russland Unter Der Regierung Catharinens II. Und Pauls I.: Ein Gema... by Charles Francois Philibert ... ISBN: 9781289908515 List Price: $39.75
Secret Memoirs of the Court of Petersburg: Particularly Towards the End of the Reign of Cath... by Charles Francois Philibert ... ISBN: 9781287978749 List Price: $31.75
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